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Encore LS

By 6-Person, Encore, Hot Tub, Luxury Series, Square

Luxury Series 6-Person Square

Escape to Affordable Luxury in Nordic’s Encore LS™! Once you’ve settled into the corner captain’s chairs or our No-Float™ lounger, the Encore LS™ will envelope you in Affordable Luxury from neck to toes. Powerful Nordic Star™ jets work their magic on your neck, back, hips and feet. Muscles you didn’t even know you had, begin to unknot and unwind letting you drift into complete relaxation. You’ve never felt this good and you may not want to leave…ever! But don’t worry, your Encore LS™ will be ready and waiting for your next soak session.


Encore SE

By 6-Person, Encore, Hot Tub, Sport Edition Series, Square

Sport Edition 6-Person Square

Settle into your Encore SE™ and let the cares of the day drift away as you relax in swirling hot water. Recline in our No-Float™ lounger and let the Nordic Star™ jet action target your back, legs and feet to rejuvenate your body and spirit. Emerge from a hot water session in your Encore SE™ relaxed and with renewed energy! Our Encore SE™ is a haven in your backyard that you will want to go to time and again!

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